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Pray for Marg

Marg & Shannon in Canada


Please be in prayer for Marg Cobb.  She is the owner/chef of her own catering business, Sonny’s Catering, here in Alamance County.  I have worked for Marg for 9 years.  She is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and walks that out daily.  She has a heart for the lost and missions.  Her catering has served and bless many people through the years.  She is a diabetic and deals with a busy work schedule and other health issues.

She went on a cruise a little while back and though she was dealing with acid reflux issues.  But just found out it is heart issues.  She has 90% blockage in 7 arteries.  She is having open heart surgery on Wednesday.  The doctor has said she has a 50% chance of making it out of surgery.

She has the Lord’s peace and is believing He will bring her through.  I she is a great employer, fun to work for, inspiring in her faith and a blessing to me.  I would deeply appreciate your prayers for her, her family and friends!


1/18 1:30pm  She is out of surgery and it went well (no bleeding dring surgery) and they were able to put in 3 stints.  The doctor is really optimistic for her recovery!


1/19 9:46am  (update from Shannon one of her granddaughters) She is in ICU and will be there 2-3 more days.  She was unhooked from the support last night (breathing without assistance).  She seems to be doing really well and the doctors said she was a textbook patient during surgery.  She had three bypasses done with the intents that that will keep her going.  Thank-you Lord for your miracles!!


1/20 9:3am (update from Shannon one of her granddaughters) She is out of ICU now and recovering very quickly.  She is in room 2015.  Thank-you all so much for your prayers!


1/25 10:00pm (update from Shannon & Rhonda, one of Marg’s daughters) Marg is still in the hospital due to low blood pressure when she sits or stands up.  The doctors have not yet determined the cause.  Whenever this is resolved, Marg will be able to leave the hospital, and Rhonda is preparing for her mom to stay with her while she is recovering.  Marg will need cardio therapy, physical therapy, and to get the diabetes under control.  They really appreciate your prayers!


1/27 10:30am (update from Shannon) So happy! Grandma is out of the hospital and doing well. I’m so appreciative of all the prayers and care for our family.


2/06 7:00pm I talked with Marg tonight.  She is doing well.  She is staying with one of her daughters (Rhonda) and the physical therapist is coming in several times a week.  She is in great spirits and enjoys talking with everyone.


Marg still has health issues but is catering some again.  Events By Marg is ready to cater your events you can call her at 336-213-1106

About the author: I am a Christian who desires to serve the Lord daily. I enjoy blogging, photography, working with Mac’s, and enjoying music and TV. I have a heart to serve my church and on the mission field.

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