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Day 6 – Walls and Cell Group

Headed out

Headed out


Day 6 – Rob gave the morning devotion to the staff & team on really knowing God.

We took a good part of the day to finish up the latrines.  The guys headed to the first latrine and put on the 2 concrete slabs to form the floor.  Then we hiked over to the second latrine.  On the way we hiked up a hill to see some beautiful views of the island.  We put the slabs down for the second latrine and then built up the walls on the slab to give privacy.  Nate gave Rob, Nathan, Mark and I a lesson on laying block.  We each took turns at laying a course of block.  Needless to say he is a master at the trade and we are not.  But we finished it up and built up some stairs to the latrine.  (The soil was so tough the latrine had to be built up, since they could not dig any deeper.)

After lunch and siesta time, we headed back to the first latrine.  We mixed up the mortar mix and built up the walls.  The rest of the group spent time working on patching one of the walls at the mission.  They also worked cleaning the clinic.

The mission holds a cell group meeting each Thursday.  The service starts with a time of worship through songs.  There was a time of fellowship and testimony.  A woman shared how the Lord had brought her through the trial and treatments of cancer.  It was so encouraging.  Then part of our team took the kids up to the feeding center.  They taught them a song with motions.  They had a great time sharing the Word and playing with the kids.  Nathan Heafner had been preparing for a good while and he brought the Word, while Karen translated.  I don’t have any photos of Nathan sharing because I spent the time videoing it using Nathan’s camera.  Rob graciously took over for the last bit when my arms were starting to go.  It was a great day.

About the author: I am a Christian who desires to serve the Lord daily. I enjoy blogging, photography, working with Mac’s, and enjoying music and TV. I have a heart to serve my church and on the mission field.

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