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Saturday February 19, 2005

     I got up and had some quiet time.  I’m reading the early part of Jesus’s life from Luke.  Today I read about Jesus in the temple as a 12 year old.  He was discussing faith with the most learned men in Israel.  His parents came (worried sick about him) and did He scold them or get angry, no!  He continued to submit to their authority and live quietly with them growing in in the home for the next 18 years. 
    We get so involved in our lives, plans, dreams, and work.  We get upset, frustrated, and exhausted because it is all on us.  God calls us to surrender all to Him and to come home, rest, and learn by example from Him.  How do we treat this request from our heavenly Father?  We complain, we get angry, and we give God the “Why me’s?”  We need to learn from Jesus.  He had every right to be in the temple and about His Father’s business.  When His earthly parents came not understanding and what did He do?  He knew that He should honor them and submit.  How much more should we as children of the King do the same.  We need to heed the call of are Father.  We are called to come away from our ideas, strivings, and plans.  If we continue in subjection to the Lord, the He will do work in us.  Then we like our Lord Jesus will keep “increasing in wisdom and stature, and favor with God and men.”

    I catered a wedding today with Marg.  It went fairly smoothly.  I’m still not quiet back to full strength in body because of sickness.  He is faithful and giving me rest and strength.  After a nice shower this afternoon, I did a load of laundry and some cleaning.  I’ve been relaxing tonight and I’m going to hit the sack early since we have men’s breakfast early tomorrow at church.

About the author: I am a Christian who desires to serve the Lord daily. I enjoy blogging, photography, working with Mac’s, and enjoying music and TV. I have a heart to serve my church and on the mission field.

1 comment… add one
  • Rousell February 20, 2005, 9:48 pm

    Well, He was only 12!  🙂

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